The Rumble Roses Wiki

Becky with 1 bar full of meter

The Meter is a gameplay element in the Rumble Roses games that enables Killer, Lethal and Humiliation moves.


In both games when a Rose is hit the attacking Rose will gain a degree of meter. Meter acquired can not be stolen and every time it is filled your bar will show a number up to 5. Each number means a stack for the Rose who acquired it and each usage of the aforementioned style away will take away one stack. Roses can also "reverse" the aforementioned attacks using one meter and correct timing.


Becky alongside Benikage give their opponents more meter-per-hit than the other Roses in the game. Giving Miss Spencer almost 1/4th of a bar when being victimized by a Special Lesson.


All Roses can activate their killer moves by putting L2 in the first game and LT in the sequel. While all Killer moves have the same activation requirements what they actually do depends on a Rose by Rose bases. Some like Becky's Cyclone-Rana is an attack with a pin attempt while others can be submissions. Lethal attacks have more strict requirements in that they require a condition for the attacker to meet in relation to the victim. Becky's Becky-Rana and Extreme Becky-Rana both require her to run towards her opponent while activating the attack making it one of the easier attacks to set up.

Other Lethal attacks can have more strict conditions, some like Special Lesson require Miss Spencer to be near the upper body of a downed opponent. This tends to be almost impossible on a "healthy" opponent as they will start attempting to get up as soon as they go down preventing Miss Spencer from using the attack. However these can be "stacked" as when the victim is successfully set up for one another can be used right after as the victim will need longer to get up. This allows Miss Spencer to "unload" on her opponent using all her meter for Special Lessons until she is out, something frailer Roses such as Becky are especially weak to since they need less punishment to go down and will likely give Miss Spencer 1-2 extra full meters for more than usual Special Lessons depending on how much meter Miss Spencer started with.

Humiliation attacks require the Humiliation meter to fill up of the potential victim before they can be used. Once the victim Rose is ready, indicated by a cutscene that shows them in shame, the usage requirements are mostly similar to Killer moves. Humiliation attacks bypass all other attacks on their startup even if they successfully connect such as Killer and Lethal attacks. These tend to be some of the harder attacks to escape from and tend to be the more ideal routes for defeating bulkier punish tolerant Roses such as Dixie and the Lady X Robots.
