The Rumble Roses Wiki

Clown Driver

Clown Driver is Sebastian's Lethal Move in the Rumble Roses series.


A throw that utilizes Sebastian's strength. First, he applies a side headlock to the opposing Rumble Rose. He rotates to his left to wrap his arm around over his opponent's shoulder and to bend underneath his opponent's body. With a grip on his opponent's legs, Sebastian jumps and rolls over to his left. As he lands across his opponent's stomach with his back, he slams his opponent back-first into the mat.


This lethal attack works rather well with the rest of his moveset due to it targeting a Rose's "body" area. It's activation is rather easy to meet and is relatively "stackable" as Sebastian can pick up a downed Rose to set this up, but it runs the risk of the Rose reversing Sebastian. Similarly to his Killer move Sebastian usually is better off humiliating his opponent into submission but against frailer roses such as Becky Sebastian can wear her down with repeated Clown Drivers and Clown Busters as both target the body area of a Rose.


This attack is somewhat similar to a Samoan Drop. These style of attacks are usually performed by heavier set wrestlers (usually male). In a Rumble Roses context Sebastian realistically is a believable user due to his mass over the Roses and his displayed ability to reliably carry even Evil Rose who is the heaviest Rose on offer at 149 pounds. In game however similar to the rest of his moveset his ability to overpower the girls and the impact of his attacks are somewhat betrayed by how low stats and how little damage his hits cause. The added theatrics are a testament to his ability to hold and maneuver while a Rose is on his grip as this attack sees him keep the victim Rose relatively safe from injury while still hurting her.
